Quartz Crystal Point Incense Holder-3

The Crystals by Enchantment Collection


The power of the incense combined with the energy of the Crystals.

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This one is at its widest point 8.25cm and has a small tower of Quartz Crystal points on it.  It comes gift-boxed.

Please take a good look at the pictures as they form part of the description. If you have any questions or would like to see more photos or come and see it, then please don't hesitate to get in touch.See InfoTab below.


Crystal Incense Holders


Crystal Incense Holder - Crystals by Enchantment

Crystal Incense Holder - Crystals by Enchantment


Crystal Incense Holder - Crystals by Enchantment

Crystal Retailer and Artist selling Crystals  and Crystal Riddle Artwork

Crystal Incense Holders are worked with to cleanse others - when water is not an option you mayhap have discovered.

Incense and Crystals are the perfect combination for wafting away – all those things that no longer need to around you stay.

Whether it’s a thought, a deed or a word – the smoke takes them away as if on a breeze stirred.

Clearing and cleansing your space around – taking it up in the air no longer to be found

Allow it to carry away any negativity - up to the Universe who will replace it with positivity.

Always remember not to blow out the flame - as upsetting an element could cause chaos to reign.


Each Crystal Incense Holder from The Crystals by Enchantment Collection is totally unique and comes gift boxed with a leaflet. The stand is hand made from wood and then individually painted to reflect some of the colours of the Crystals. 

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