Crystal Riddle Artwork© 

You will not find with what I say and the way I draw – in a form that has gone before.
It is a blend I will not disagree – but only you will see what you will see.
No thoughts for what I am drawing come into my head - I just let it appear, I have no control as to where my hand is led.
Each one is started in black and white – the colours filled in light, dark and definitely bright.
Once completed a riddle is written for what could be inside –for you to seek, the meaning only you can decide.
When first on a picture your eyes are transfixed – the way of hanging is yours to be picked
I truly hope the picture and riddle your mind will unlock – and help to clear any thoughts that might be trying to block.
The trick if any is to open your mind and maybe meditate – but never forget the world you need only you can create.
Work with my artwork and words to help to start a change – and see what is around and mayhap already within your range.

Crystal Riddle Artwork - Rebecca Waldron-Smith

Crystal Riddle Artwork - Rebecca Waldron-Smith


Crystal Riddle Artwork - Rebecca Waldron-Smith

Crystal Riddle Artwork - Rebecca Waldron-Smith 

Abstract and Surrealist Art

If it has to be categorised, my artwork is an eclectic mix of abstract and surrealism. I draw without any preconceived ideas. I put pen to paper, let my hand go where it wants, fill it in with colour and then add Crystals to the outside of the glass. I draw - you will interpret.

Both my Mum and Dad were talented artists, but my main influence came from my art teacher - Anwar Jalal Shemza or as we called him 'Sir' during the 7 years I was at Ounsdale Comp.  He understoood my odd ways - including the painting of a surrealist pear I submitted for my O Level!  I truly wish I had appreciated him more and finished my A Level instead of leaving half way through - 50ish years later - hindsight is a wonderful thing. 

I take commissions but I haven't a clue what you will get - one of my clients wanted an 'angel' he got a fairy - luckily he loved it! I can be restricted if you want to a colour palette, for instance greens or reds and names can also be hidden in them.

Unfortunately I cannot at present post overseas - they are too fragile (glass)

Crystal Riddle Artwork - Rebecca Waldron-Smith 

Only you will see what you will see...

Many of the pictures look like one thing, but when you turn them on their side or upside down they become something else. They are really good for clearing your mind - trying to find things in them stops you from thinking distracting thoughts. Think of a really easy form of meditation that just might give you the answers you are seeking. They can be hung anyway, up, down, sideways – which ever pleases you most – your choice, there is absolutely no right or wrong.  The riddles and rhymes come from out of nowhere or do they? I sit drawing in a room filled with Crystals, when I look at a finished picture then the words flow – hence Crystal Riddle Artwork, but don't let my (or is it the Crystal's) words restrict your imagination.

Framing and Authentication

I have sourced some really lovely hand-made Pewter/Charcoal wooden frames from Midland Fine Arts in Kidderminster. They will come with four fixings so you can choose which way up you want to hang it - the sizes given are within a cm. Some of the frames you will see have also been painted to accentuate the colours of the picture.  They also come with an individually printed Certificate of Authenticity which contains the individual riddle/rhyme for that picture. The paper I work with is an off-white colour but sometimes the photographs give them strange hues. 


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