Elemental Release Workshop©

Spiral Elemental Release Workshop - Crystals by Enchantment

Spiral Elemental Release Workshop - Crystals by Enchantment

Spiral Elemental Release Workshop - Crystals by Enchantment

Spiral Elemental Release Workshop - Crystals by Enchantment

Ever wondered what guides your life and the paths you take – or what makes you decide on the decisions you make.
Elements are what are all around – and deep within you they can be found.
What if you could harness their strength – to help you take the paths you are on meant.
An Elemental Release path has the ability to open or close – depending on the path that you have chose.
Would you want to discover a whole new world – or trust to luck to wait for change to be unfurled.
Each step you take is a form of meditation – but then you are guided by your own visualisation.
These workshops are about finding your potential life – where Earth, Air, Fire and Water can bring joy not strife.

Ethereal Workshops working with all the Elements to help bring out your full potential.  To stop you being restricted by being told you are based in just one Element when you contain all of them. Then working with those Elements that are already your strengths to enhance the powers of the others.
It can only ever be a one-to-one workshop as they are as it says in the title - a release - your release not to be confused with anothers.  Its aim is to release whatever it is that blocks or binds. We start by working out what steps should be taken – then putting into place what should be away shaken. By searching through the fundamental meanings of the Elements we find your hopes and fears and work to release them into the Universe.
Workshops for helping you become aware of what binds you. Then being guided to see how easy it can be to release those ties by simple practices.

Technical Bit

It will start like all the rest with a one day workshop and then it is your choice to carry on. -  £120
Followed (your choice) by 2 hour sessions to explore your path further - £40 each.
One to One only.
Tuesday - Sundays.
Includes Worksheets, and items made. 
Includes Tea, coffee, water and biscuits.
Also, a 15% discount on anything you decide you desperately cannot live without bought on the day.

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