2Dvine Crystal Divination 2Dvine Crystal Divination Sessions©  

A 2Dvine session is mayhap what you need - why not  come and see if there is a way for your thoughts to be freed

Please read below before getting in touch - just so you get an idea of what to expect - there's not a Tarot or Angel card in sight.

2Dvine Crystal Divination Session - Rebecca Waldron-Smith

2Dvine Crystal Divination Session - Rebecca Waldron-Smith


2Dvine Crystal Divination Session - Rebecca Waldron-Smith

2Dvine Crystal Divination Session - Rebecca Waldron-Smith

If someone says to you ‘smile' one more time – when you are sick to the back teeth of saying ‘I'm fine'

At what point in this life did it become such a sin – to need to wallow in self-pity and for a while just give in
There are times when all you need is to retreat – into a world where you can lay down or just take a seat
Where you can allow and let your mind start to uncurl – from all the madness this world can and does hurl
Instead of someone saying you need pills to make you smile – why not take yourself off to your own world for a while
A world where we write all those things down – that have a tendency to make you not smile but frown
Then replace those that are always making you snappy – with ones you need that will make you happy
You actually might just find the answers you are seeking – and instead of having to listen to others say ‘smile' you find yourself peeking
Into the future that can really be yours - but only if you start testing and opening some doors
Doors that lead to paths that for a while have seemed impossibly shut – because trying to smile for others kept making you tut
The life you need can suddenly become clear – if you step onto those paths without prejudice or fear.

The question then- is 2Dvine serious or just a game - is it time to change or just stay the same?  

Can you open your eyes and look all around - and think about what can really be found.  
Not using those eyes but instead your heart and intuition - to see what is possible and bring things to fruition. 
Anything is attainable if you truly believe - the rhymes designed to give your mind a new lead.  
Learning to think ‘outside the box' - the Crystals have a tendency to make you work to unlock. 
So if you really want to find your way - a session may just help to change your day.

2Dvine Crystal Divination - Rebalancing your Mind, Body and 'Spirit'

My 2Dvine sessions in Tenbury Wells are totally unique; they're all about making you open your eyes and think about what is really around you. To see not only with your physical eyes but with your heart and your intuition that anything is possible if you truly believe. They are not 'readings' because no one can read a Crystal!

The rhymes are designed to make you think ‘outside the box', they don't always mean what you think they do – Crystals have a tendency to make you work for what you truly desire. I work with not only the Crystals but with my specially designed  '2Dvine Crystal Floriate Divination' cards, which originally came into existence in 2006. They have been re-designed a few times and in their present incarnation I combine them with my 2Dvine Crystal Riddle Divination' cards along with, my Empathy Wand and Crystal Energy Balancing.

Harness the Strength and Vitality of the Crystals

It stands to reason that if Crystals are made by the awesome natural power of the Earth then they must also contain the awesome natural power of the Earth. Let this power be unleashed to help guide and unlock your true path - to start you on your journey to a new beginning and a new you.  This is working with the intuitive gifts and senses you already have and connecting these with the power of the Crystals.

How Crystals can help you

A session with the Crystals is all about looking, finding and ultimately stepping onto that pathway that has mayhap always seemed elusive. A pathway that if you truly need (not just want!) will open and fulfil your deepest desires. So let the Crystals guide you to the path that you know you need, but have waited for that nudge to take the first step onto. It takes courage to take control of your life and how you want to live it.

Crystals will not tell you your past or future but they will show you what is happening in your present, and guide you to 'see' the future you long for with a fresh perspective. If you are willing to learn to 'see' beyond what you can physically see and 'feel' beyond what you can physically feel - then the Crystals will help you.

The Crystals I work with are not always the ones you might expect.

Technical Bit

Sessions, which I carry out at my home in Tenbury Wells,  usually take up to two hours and cost £60.

Includes Energy Balancing. Also chosen Crystals, with Guidance, to help give you the strength to follow through the path you mayhap will have found, all in a Gift Box.

Tuesdays - Sundays 

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It is and always will be – YOUR CHOICE. Please get in touch if your choice is to change.    

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